Thursday, February 26, 2015

Housewarming Party Invitations for New House Celebrations

Customize the Latest Housewarming Invitations, Open House Party Invites, & We're Moving Announcement Cards

After you have completed your move, settled in you new home with lots of the boxes unpack, it's certainly time to relax and enjoy a few of your family and friends to show off your new house with a housewarming party or open house celebration. Of course, this is after you have announced your move by sending personalized we've moved announcement cards from outstanding websites like that maintains a large collection of the most trendy, stylish, and popular housewarming party invitations invitation for open house party and we're moving announcements.

Regardless of whether you have decided that it is just time for a change in location or a new job advancement, you'll definitely want to notify your friends and family of the new address with we've moved announcement cards from the better websites Cards Shoppe. Their totally new invitations and announcement card designs contains a variety of colors featuring modern, funky, and urban themes. Make your invites and announcing cards totally unique by adding a picture of your new house to your we are moving announcements and open house housewarming party invitations. And, for your announcement invitation wordings, visit the collection of wording samples offered by most websites. A few of the New and Latest invitation and announcement card designs follow that are guaranteed to impress.

  Totally New Samples of House Warming Party Invitations, Open House Invites, & We've Moved Announcement Cards

Housewarming Chandelier & Couch Invitation Cards for Party
There's usually nothing quite like your first party when you move into a new house, so planning and organizing your housewarming party can be a lot of fun. These type parties are an ideal way of showing off your new home to friends and family members. After all, it's an ideal time to celebrate, to complete your decorating, and to begin breaking in your new place with those you love and are close to. Your custom invitation wordings should invite guests to your new home and can also be an ideal way of providing your new address. There is usually no set menu, but you might want to keep it simple and stay away from messy foods as they can tend to make the party host nervous. Instead, rely on the old standby of simple dips and appetizers that guests can grab and enjoy. Good prospects include mini egg rolls, artichoke dip, and cheese and crackers with appropriate drinks.

No need to use excessive decorations, as your home will be the main attraction and feature. Just use a few simple decorations like a banner to welcome guests and balloons, but you don’t need much. This is a party to showcase your new house, so your everyday decorations can really help to set the tone and bring people in. And, don't worry about games or entertainment as the only activity that you need is to provide tours to those who want to see every area of the new house. So, as you begin the planning of your housewarming party or open house celebration, let the house take center stage.

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